7月, 2014年

講演会「アラブ諸国遍歴の終点~オマーンの思い出」 Discover Oman Series #4 Nostalgic Oman


(English is below photos.)

2014年7月3日東京広尾のオマーン大使館で塙治夫元オマーン大使ご夫妻による講演会Discover Oman #4「アラブ諸国遍歴の終点 – オマーンの思い出」が行われました。エジプトでのアラビア語習得を皮切りにレバノン、シリア、エジプト、イラク、サウジアラビア各大使館で勤務され、その後カタール大使・オマーン大使を歴任され、外交官としての様々な経験や思い出をご夫妻で紹介されました。


On July 3rd, 2014, the fourth session of our Discover Oman series was held at the Embassy of Oman, and Haruo Hanawa, former Ambassador of Japan to Oman and Mrs. Hanawa gave a lecture entitled “Memoire of Oman, the Last stop on My Journey in Arab Countries.”

The journey began in Egypt, where Ambassador Hanawa learned the Arabic language. After years of serving for Embassies of Japan in several Arab countries, including Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia he was appointed Ambassador of Japan to Qatar, and then to Oman. He and his wife recalled precious experiences and unforgettable memories from their diplomatic life in those countries and greatly impressed the audience.

Their stories about pieces written by a famous Iraqi poet, Abu Nuwas, as well as Naguib Mahfouz, the first Egyptian who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, captured the audience’s attention.

Ambassador and Mrs. Hanawa discussed how the Arabic language differs from country to country even though it is all called the Arabic language. They introduced this through a humorous story that Mrs. Hanawa’s colloquial Arabic was more useful than Ambassador Hanawa’s formal Arabic in communications with local staff at the Embassies.The audience greatly enjoyed such behind-the-scene stories.

[イフタールの会」が開かれました Omani and Japanese Students Get-together at Ifar


(English is below Japanese.)

iftar photo1 iftar photo2




The holy month of Ramadan 2014 in Oman began on June 29th. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn till sunset. The evening meal after sunset called Iftar is an important occasion for all Muslims, where family members get together and celebrate with a feast. According to H.E. Khalid Al Muslahi, normally 60 to 70 people will sit down for this nightly meal.

Since Omani students studying in Japan are far from their homeland, we thought why not make an opportunity for them to get together. So the Japan Oman Club sponsored a get-together for Iftar with Japanese and Omani students at a restaurant in Ikebukuro on July 5th. Twelve Omani students came not only from Tokyo, but also from as far as Kyoto, Osaka, Sendai, and Tsukuba. They joined 14 Japanese in celebrating and sharing this traditional Omani experience and enjoyed a memorable time together.