講演会「オマーンの女性について Discover Oman series #3 Omani Women


(English is below photos.)

2014年6月5日にオマーン大使館でDiscover Oman series #3 「オマーンの女性について」の講演が行われました。講師はスルタン国オマーン大使館一等書記官のシャフィア・アル・マスカリさんでした。シャフィアさんは4人の子供の母親であり外交官でもある働く女性です。




On June 5th, 2014, the third session of Discover Oman series titled “Omani Women” was held at the Embassy of Oman. The featured speaker, Ms. Shafia Al Maskari, is The First Secretary at the Embassy and a mother of 4 children.

Audience asked many questions. Some of them included:
“How do young Omani people find a marriage partner?”
“Do Omani people have social support to balance work and family life?”
“Have you heard of cases of child abuse in Oman?”
Ms. Al Maskari frankly answered these and many other questions, and shared her personal experience.

The discussion became lively, and lasted much longer than originally scheduled. Some of the audience said her stories reminded them of “good old days” of Japan.